Scottish Dress

Scottish Highland Dress From the Clan to the Modern Day

Scottish history is mirrored in many things, including their traditional dresses. The past of their outfits is very interesting, witnessing several ups and downs. Once, they were specified to Scots, while modern adaptations make them everyone’s dress in the entire world. This piece of information means to tell you about the evolution of Scottish Highland dress from a clan’s identity to the modern attire.

Scottish Highland Dress

Scottish highland dress, also known as a Kilt Outfit, is their everyday wear now. Several attachments, including a kilt, sporran, jacket, ghillie brogues, hose, and many more, complete the attire. However, the outfit did not have that many parts in the past. The exciting history of traditional outfits passed through many stages to become what it is now. Here are those phases! 

Scotland Dress in Clan Era

Scotland congregates people in its lap who are tradition-aligned and have sacrificed a lot to keep their heritage alive. Their national attire is made with tartans, which are crisscrossed fabrics representing their clans. Scots used to live in clan form in the past, and every clan had its specific tartan, while other clans were not allowed to wear the same tartan.

The attire of Scottish clans before the 16th century was léine, a long shirt like a tunic. Linen, which was mustard in colour, was used to make the outfit then. With time, the linen was converted into saffron. Soon, the outfit transformed, and it became the great kilt in the 16th century.

Traditional Scotland Dress in the 16th Century

Traditional Scotland Dress in 16th Century
Traditional Scotland Dress in 16th Century

The Great kilt, also known as the belted plaid, was the next transformation of the outfit. It was a long piece of tartan clothing with pleats on the front side. It was versatile and practical clothing since the extra part was used as a blanket or a cloak to protect wearers against extreme weather conditions. 

Highland Dress in the 17th Century

The 17th century was revolutionary for the Scottish outfit because of some modern adaptations. The size of the attire was reduced to a smaller one. It was the time when 2 sizes of the clothes (kilt and plaid) began to be worn. 

Shifting pleats to the back fulfilled the need for easy movements, while a problem still bothered them. They were worried about how to take luggage, so the invention of sporrans took place. Similarly, people started to wear kilt jackets, shirts, and hoses as part of this outfit.

Kilt Outfit in the 18th Century

The time could not stop the development of attire, and more changes were made. This century had a mixed blend of situations. On one end, the attire was modernizing, while the bad news of the Dress Act was to become a limelight. The kilts we wear today resemble the ones used in the 18th century. In the same century, the kilt outfit was declared a regimented uniform and was specified for men.

Many enhancements came into front. First, the pleats moved to the front side. Second, kilt pins became part of the Scottish Highland dress. In 1746, following the Jacobite rising, a Dress Act was imposed, and Highlanders were ordered not to wear kilts. The ban lasted for 40 years.

Highland Dress in the 19th Century

Highland Dress in 19th Century
Highland Dress in 19th Century

In the 19th century, the outfit underwent some momentous variations, making it more popular and gaining a long-lasting charm. In the last century, the kilt outfit was specified for the military. So, to make it extra suitable for military use, a heavier wool fabric was introduced, offering more durability than ever. 

During this period, the kilt gained significant fame as a symbol of Scottish identity. Likewise, it became popular among culturally oriented people who loved to honour their Scottish heritage. A change occurred in that era: the kilt outfit was adopted as an attire for special occasions other than military use, and common people started wearing it.

Scottish Attire in the 20th Century

An event called Highland clearances occurred during the 18th and 19th centuries, which increased the Scottish diaspora and made other countries familiar with kilts as Scottish attire. Everything changed during the 20th century, and many countries other than the Highland region knew this attire.

Scottish attire was particularized for men before this tenure, while modernism allowed the opposite gender to wear it. Females started wearing it in step-dancing events. Scottish suits became more common and affordable in the 20th century than ever. 

Modern Kilts of the 21st Century

Modern Kilts of 21st Century
Modern Kilts of 21st Century

Kilt outfits became more advanced in the 21st century. The number of fabrics used to make kilts increased with time. Moreover, the status of kilts changed from special day wear to everyday wear. Initially, kilts were available in only a few types, but many kinds of kilts and their attachments are introduced today. Some standard modern kilts of the 21st century are:

Celebrities Who Promoted Kilt Outfit!

The above information makes it clear that the kilt outfits we wear today have gained a lot of fame. Many people’s struggles and sacrifices made them popular worldwide. The list of people who were involved is pretty large, while some familiar public figures are discussed below.

Sir Walter Scott: Sir Walter Scott’s name is written in golden words regarding the saviours of kilts. He was a novelist, poet, and historian. He was given the responsibility of organising the visit of Queen Victoria. So, he considered it as a successful probability to promote his culture in front of an English ruler. Likewise, his novels and dramas strongly reflect Scottish culture.

Queen Victoria: Like Walter Scott, Queen Victoria is one of the most important figures who helped familiarize the kilt internationally and promoted it as a symbol of a Scottish identity. Victoria’s attachment to Scotland and Scott’s literary influence inspired people to promote the outfit.

King George: King George was the first English monarch to visit Edinburgh in 200 years. He lived in Scotland for two weeks. It was an official tour to promote unity, and he came wearing the kilts to show his interest and vanquish the rivalry.


The Scottish Highland dress has faced several changes from its invention to the date. At the start, it was just a long piece of clothing, with pleats on the front. With time, the clothing size reduced, and pleats shifted to the rear side of kilts. Every century offered something new, like the addition of attachments and changes in appearance. Similarly, people made efforts to reform and promote the attire. Some familiar names are Sir Walter Scot, Queen Victoria, etc.

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